Truly a magnificent day in central Texas. I slept in extra late this morning, and had a relaxing morning of reading the paper and doing as little as I possibly could. Jody and I headed out to IKEA at about 9:30, and we were back in Georgetown at the Dairy Queen at about 11:30. So much for lunch! We made it home, I became presentable, and we headed off into Austin so I could show one property to a buyer client. Then it was back towards home, after a side trip in Georgetown to the HEB, Tractor Supply and Chipotle for dinner. A good day, all things considered. It may not sound like there was very much accomplished, but you would have to know the 'back story' and that is my little secret!

This is a photo of, most likely, a wild plum that was blossoming near the house I was showing. It had the absolute sweetest fragrance, and there were several of them all in a row blooming. Quite lovely. Notice the bee at the top almost center of the photo. I saw my first blue bonnets of the season yesterday, and we saw a few more this afternoon not far from the house. It should be a really good year for wild flowers, but you never know. Jody remarked about how much further along the trees are budding in Austin than they are her in the country, but I can only assume it is because the city is so much warmer than it is here. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.
We will be all a-buzz with activity tomorrow. Miguel is going to come out and work the property with a bunch of his guys. Today was the first day I had actually seen how tall the grass is. I am usually out there in the dark, and don't pay that much attention to it. Jody said he noticed it the other day because the dog was out, and the grass was up to his stomach. Yeah, it needs to be cut!
End of story!
Deeds, Kindnesses, Actions, TALL GRASS, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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