And so it begins. I have begun dismantling my office in preparation of the move from one office suite to another office suite one floor up. I think that combining our office spaces from one suite to a single combined suite will be a good thing for all of us, and it will help us all better understand all the things that are going on in our office. What fun! So this photo is the beginning of the dismantling process. My office seems to be like the 'clown-car' of offices. I keep taking furniture out of it, but it seems that I am not making any head-way towards emptying the place out. AND, I am not even trying to take everything...my new office (my own space) is MUCH SMALLER than my current office. We shall see.

By about Noon:45 I was really hungry, so Carrie and I walked across the street for some lunch. I had a Frito Weenie Chili Pie and I have to tell you, it was not that great. Coupled with the fact that the 'trailer park' concept of food service is populated with employees that are 'really musicians' and arrogant on top of that. I was the only person in the line for this particular trailer, but the TWO employees were too busy 'talking amongst themselves' to notice that I had CASH, and would like to make a purchase. ANYWAY, it is South by Southwest time in Austin, and when this is all over, maybe we can get a decent fast-food meal again.

NOW, I have gotten most of the stuff in my own office moved in...the cable, data and phone lines are scheduled to be moved on Friday, and that means that, bu about this time next week, we should be somewhat settled in and going on about our business. I like moving, but I am not getting any younger! I have meetings at the Board on Friday morning, and then I need to come here to help coordinate all the other people that will be in the offices. Then, I have two appointments on Saturday, and Jody and I are supposed to move to a larger space in our antiques market on Sunday. Things will be just a little bit chaotic for a while! LIFE IS GOOD, I AM A VERY LUCKY MAN!
Traffic on the way home this afternoon was pretty much of a bear. I did not see any reasons for the many challenges, bu challenges there were. It took a long time to get home. I made a stop in Georgetown (at the Dollar General) to pick up some stuff I need at the office, and then it was smooth sailing the rest of the way. I did not see the skunks this morning, so I guess that was just a happy coincidence earlier this week. I hope to see them again soon, and they should know they are not in harms way when I see them.
Jody is making baked potatoes for dinner tonight, and that will be a happy change from my unsatisfactory (and heartburn and indigestion inducing) lunch this afternoon. Tomorrow I have a meeting in the morning, it is my Meas-on-Wheel delivery day, and I have a conference call in the afternoon. Appointments also with the security alarm people to get the new system connected, and I will continue to try contacting the Time-Warner Customer Service Specialist in San Antonio who does not seem to want to talk with me. I have left her messages since Tuesday, I just need to clarify one small point on our service move. Whatever.
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, Changes, POTATOES, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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