So, Meals-On-Wheels was good, I actually got to my pick-up place late, but I was still the first one there, except for Mr. Stan our Meal-Manager. He had all my cold meals ready for me, and all I had to do was pick up my hot meals, and I was off. It was a great day, and it was nice to be our t in the wonderful outdoors.
I got back to the office, and got some work done, and then Carrie and I went off to do some shopping. We are still looking for a conference room table and chairs. We went to World Market (I think that is the name of the place) and then to Pier One, but everything looked TOO MUCH like dining room furniture (which it all was) so we did not get anything. WE DID go to Lowe's to buy some plants for the office; a palm for Carrie's office and the lobby, and small plants for most of the other desks in the separate offices. It is starting to look lived in and that is nice. I think everyone is happy with the move, and I think we are all glad to be under one roof again. Now we just need to get our old office space leased to someone pretty darn quickly, and that will be the end of it.
It was lovely to not be backed up with meetings and appointments all day. I actually had time to be calm and to be able to not rush around all day. That was really a pleasure, and it seems to be very luxurious. WONDERFUL! I am taking the truck into the office tomorrow, and we have two meetings tomorrow (one at 9 and one at 10) and then Carrie and I are going shopping again. I expect we will have a conference table and chairs before the end of the day tomorrow. WATCH OUT!
Speaking of trucks...I stopped on the way home this afternoon and bought new windshield wiper blades (the current ones have deteriorated badly) and I got home and tried to put them on the truck and I am defeated AGAIN! Incredible. Jody asked me if I had some hidden talents that he did not know about, and obviously I do not. I cannot even put replacement wiper blades on the truck. So, it is not supposed to rain in the near future, I am going to drive the truck in with only one wiper blade (I should have started with the passenger side, but I didn't) and on the way home tomorrow, I am going to the parts place and let them put the blades on. They offered to do it this afternoon, but I was not in the truck. I really think they just gave me the wrong replacement blades, but we shall see. I will give you a full report tomorrow.
Jody and I just finished watching a program about the Chevy Volt on TV. It was pretty interesting. All the Volts right now are being produced one-at-a-time (by hand) and it was about how they do all the work one-at-a-time. Very interesting. I hope they are successful, and I really want one.
That's it!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CONFERENCE TABLES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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