We continued to interview prospective candidates for our Assistant position in the office, and we will conclude that process tomorrow. Our goal will be to fill the position and have someone start on Thursday, so they will have a couple days of training with River who is leaving.
It is interesting that I go off during the day to this meeting or that meeting, and when I get home, I open my e-mails and work at home for a few hours. I get a lot of work done at home. I am expecting NOT to go into the office on Monday, I have appointments at home on that day, and I can work from home...so I will save the gas and just not go into the office.
The rest of the week is kind of busy, and I will be teaching classes two days next week, so I am pretty much booked up through the end of next week. At least I do not have a lot of time on my hands for a while. I do not react well to extra time, and I am much happier being busy.
I have been doing a poor job of finding interesting photos to post on the blog lately, but I expect I will find something wonderful soon. You never know. It seemed like I was finding all kinds of interesting things there for a while, but it seems the well has run dry.
I will finish this blog entry tonight after I return from the Caucus...
I was elected the Permanent Chair of our Precincts Caucus, and a Delegate for the County/Senatorial Meetings. We shall see what comes of it. Actually I was very proud of the turnout. There are 85 registered voters in the Precinct, and there were five people that showed up for the Caucus. The total number of voters in this Primary Election was about 31 (both in person today and in early voting). That means there was a turnout of about 36%, and I would like to see major Cities in Texas meet that number. Another adventure...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, VOTE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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