Last night, on my way home from dinner at the Filling Station, my car clicked over 95,000 miles. Most of those I have driven personally. I have never owned a car this long in my entire life. Is this what happens as we age? I am not so sure I like it. It is not in my nature to keep cars for extended periods. Hmmm. I am lusting for a Chevy Volt, and there was one on display during South by Southwest, but I did not even get a chance to go look at it. I am doing a pretty good job of keeping in touch with the goings-on of the Volt, and I am pretty confident that Chevrolet will have a decent car in that, BUT, in the newspaper yesterday, it was mentioned that Texas (and specifically Austin) was not on the 'short-list' of places that will receive deliveries of the car late this year. WAH! I guess I will wait until they are available, and then go get one. I have been on a waiting list for over a year for the car. I can wait another year I guess. Maybe someone else is developing something that will hit the market (first, better, cheaper). It could happen.

Jody and I left the house this morning to go finish moving our stuff at Collector's Market. We got there about 10 o'clock, and Kevin and Debbie helped us get the last of everything moved. NOW we need to unpack more stuff to fill in the cases that are looking pretty darn bare. But, we are done pretty much for this weekend. Jody is taking a nap right now, and I may take one in a little while. This is a photo of the new space, looking a little bit dis-sheveled, but it will all work out. It is a bigger space than the one we had, but we have more stuff in this space, and still need to put more stuff in it. We shall see.
After we left the market, we (of course) went to Dairy Queen, which made everything better. I am listening to another book on CD, about half way done. It is called 'The Virgin Suicides' and is supposed to be a 'dark comedy' but I must not have gotten to the funny bits yet. It is about a family with five girls, and they all commit suicide within a year or so. Maybe I am just not 'hip' enough to find the humor. It took a while for me to get interested in it, but I am not involved with it, and ready to proceed. My next book on CD is called 'Nineteen Minutes' and it is contained on 18 CD's. Without a doubt it is the longest book on CD I have listened to, I will let you know how it goes.

OKAY, I SAW HER PEE! I actually saw her pee earlier this week, but I really could not tell exactly where the discharge was coming from, BUT TODAY I saw her pee, and can tell you without a doubt, the newest calf is a girl. SO, we have a new heifer calf, and she is three weeks old today. When we got home from Dairy Queen, I went out to feed the cattle. They were in the back pasture, and it took them a while to figure out how to get where I was putting out the feed. Once they found the hole in the fence, however, it was 'Katie, Bar The Door'. Here they all came, all accounted for and all ready for the sweet feed I put out for them.
The electric fence was shorted out somewhere, too, so I drove the fence all around and found a couple places where it might have been shorted out, and it is now hot again. Electric fences are always kind of a challenge, and it is just a matter of figuring out where the short is, and correcting it. Even though we have much more land (and that means more fence) here, it is much easier to keep up than it was at the other farm in Red Rock. Speaking of Red Rock, we have that place on the sales market, so if you know anyone wanting 10 acres with a 2 bedroom house, just let me know. FOR YOU, WE CAN MAKE A DEAL!
It is really windy today, and the turbines are just a spinning and making power blade-over-blade. I love hearing the turbines spin, and it such a nice and comforting white noise. I think we are pretty much in for the rest of the day. We may venture off into Taylor in a little while, but nothing really planned. This will (I hope) be a much more calm week than the last one. FOR SURE there are no more moves planned for the immediate future. There can only be so many moves in one month.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HEIFER CALVES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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