For the second day in a row, I have encountered a pair of beady little eyes in the darkness of County Road 322 on my way to work. Just a few minutes from the house, there they are...yesterday, I recognized them as little 'skunk eyes' and the little skunk body ran off into the ditch and let me pass. This morning, the little skunk body decided it wanted to run along the road, and I rode behind it for several feet before it decided discretion was the better part of valor, and moved off the road and back into the ditch. I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings. If you are a long time reader of this blog, you might remember that we have rescued skunks out of the pool on one occasion when we first

moved into the house. That little guy had treaded water for no telling how long, and he/she was pretty exhausted. He laid on the pool deck for a while (hours) and finally moved under the gazebo with a little bit of coaxing, but so far I have not aggravated the skunks enough to have them spray. HOWEVER, you can definitely smell the spray frequently in the country. 'I just love the smell of skunk spray early in the morning!'
Today was the NARPM luncheon, and I thought I would never say this, but I did not care much for the Chicken Pot Pie that was one of the entree choices. It was kind of like creme of chicken soup with a flaky pastry shell topping. Nothing of real substance, so I do not

recommend it. Now the salad (I made myself) was pretty good, it was the first time I have had Thousand Island Dressing in a long time, but I have been having a craving. AND, how can you go wrong with Chocolate Pie? Can you go wrong with Chocolate Pie? I don't think so! In this case, I may actually be confusing quality with quantity. Who knows, who cares?
We did get word this afternoon that Time-Warner will make the move of all our phone lines, Internet connections and cable-tv lines on Friday afternoon. That has given us the go-ahead to confirm the schedules with the movers, the other telephone vendors and our IT guy. So, Friday and Saturday will be somewhat chaotic, but it will all get done, and next week will be just a little bit crazy. Probably no more crazy that any other week, but crazy none the less. In case you are wondering, we are just moving one floor up in the same building, so we will all still be close enough that it won't be that traumatic!

More rain. Rain, rain, rain. I am tired of the rain and the grey. This morning, I emptied about 4/10" out of the gauge, and this afternoon when I drove past the gauge, there was another 3/4" in the gauge. Good for some things, but not good for trying to plow the fields and plant. Or for baling up the dead hay that is in the fields because we could not get it baled last year because the fields were too wet. I do not want to sound like an ingrate, but I am about to start whining. Can we have a little bit of sunshine, long enough to get into the fields and do a little bit of maintenance? Then I would like rain...thank you very much.

Traffic was not terrible on the way home, but things like the ambulance passing on the shoulder is good to get you to pay attention. That is the photo above, and then the last photo is, well, you know...I just cannot resist taking photos through the rainy windshield. I love that effect. Sue me!
Pretty much an open day tomorrow, although I have plenty of things on mu schedule to get completed. It will be a good day, I am certain of that. Had a nice snooze last night, looking forward to more of the same. Thanks for those of you who commented on my lack of sleep, I appreciate it.
Oh, and I have a few opinions on the health care debate that is going on. I do not want to go off on a rant, but if you are interested, just ask.
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, RAIN, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN.
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