Welcome, welcome, welcome! Welcome to my wonderful world of beautiful sunrises and sunsets, sometimes clouded but always there if you just set aside everything else and dream! It was a beautiful morning in central Texas, and this good of a start makes me think it is only going to get better from here. Even though we are having extended periods of cloudy days, these sunrises and sunsets make it all worthwhile. When I went out for the newspaper this morning, it was very still, very dark (the moon is pretty much gone) and very quiet. Nice!

Got to the office early, and got lots of work done before 8 o'clock. I like being in the office alone, I can be very productive in short periods of time! I headed out to the Board of REALTORS for a 9:30 break sponsorship. It was a CRS class, and there were about 45 attendees in the class. One of our agents Pat (not the tiara) was with me and she did all the work. It is a great thing to promote the classes at the Board and at the same time promote a product that can be used by the other agents. We all work our way into accepting new responsibilities, and Pat is taking control of our Board Sponsorships. While we were there, I ran into my friend Mark, and it turns out that he and Pat worked together as mortgage lenders YEARS ago. Another confirmation that Austin is a small town, and you have to do business the right way, or it will come back to haunt you.

Ran back to the office and did a little bit more power real estate before we headed out to lunch in honor of River our assistant for the last year (plus) who, as I said last night is off to follow her dream. Congratulations to her, and we all toasted her well being and future at the lunch. I had a glass of wine, and since I am such a cheap date, that was really all I needed. I had a nice time at lunch, and all our agents and staff were there, so that was great. We will all miss River.
I got back to the office and did more power real estate, before heading out to take photos of my new listing in 78704. Know anyone interested? It is a gorgeous property. Let me know and I will send you the information.
Busy, busy, busy when I got back to the office, and I was on the downhill slide to going home. I am ready for showing properties on both Saturday and Sunday. It ought to be good times both days.

River got a hug from me...something that I am not really that good at. Here is the proof...
Home now, and I am tired. I have a wonderful calm evening in front of me, and work to do in the morning. I need to pay some attention to the cattle tomorrow and on Sunday, but that is not really a chore for me, more like fun just waiting to happen. It is supposed to start raining on Sunday evening, so I need to pay attention to the weather forecasts. Dinner tonight is sausage, squash and broccoli rice casserole.
Gotta go, don't want to be late for dinner.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RIVER, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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