Once I got home, Jody and I decided to unload a couple (that means four) boxes from the storage shed to take to the shop. We got all the boxes unloaded, straightened out the packing papers, broke down the boxes, and I decided, since Jody was not going to use his truck, that I would take all that into Austin's big recycling center. I had more boxes and more packing paper in the shed, so I got all that, PLUS the recycling I had forgotten to take into Austin last Tuesday, and piled it all in Jody's truck. The back end of his truck (a Hylander Hybrid) was FULL, but it is great to be shed of all of it, and to have done it the proper way! We are both very happy with the progress we made this morning.
I got into the office (by way of the recycling place and the What-A-Burger down the street) at about 1PM, which gave me plenty of time to get some things done before my clients showed up. I had a great time showing properties this afternoon, and there was one on the tour that the really liked. They may be close to making a decision, but there are some logistical challenges that need to be thought out before they jump off that cliff to making a purchase offer on a property. BUT, I think they are close, and they are great to work with. It will all happen when the time is right.
I got home, and read a little more of the morning paper. It will be time for the news pretty soon, and I will go see what is happening in the world, and most likely take a short nap. That is what usually happens when I sit down in front of the TV to watch the news...SNOOZE CITY!
Tomorrow is not a work day (in the real estate sense) but it will be a work day in the farm sense. I will move the cattle in the morning, and Miguel and his crew will be here around 8. Then Jody and I will go into Georgetown and put some stuff in the store, and then we will most likely have a spoiler at Dairy Queen. Then home for a nice afternoon. PERFECT!
Deeds, Changes, Kindnesses, YUCCAS, Actions, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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