WELL...I must say...it has been an interesting day. I got up after sleeping late again this morning, and after I did all my ordinary chores, I decided to go and move the cattle to the other pasture. They did not hesitate at all, and they were ready for the greener grass on the other side. I had checked the status of the electric fence, and all was good (it did seem to be just a smidgen weaker than it had been) but nothing terrible. The cattle could have cared less about me, and as soon as I opened the gate to the fresh pasture, they were gone, so I had no issues moving the troughs, the molasses bucket and the salt licks. Then I decided to go and check the rest of the fences. At one corner (the furthest corner from the electrical source) I heard a clicking and thought that to be odd. Sure enough, there was a piece of insulator that was up against a piece of wire and it was arcing. Strangest thing I have ever seen. N moved it so it was not near the wire, and the clicking stopped, and the power of the fence went back up to where it had been. All was good. Just for kicks, I decided to ride the rest of the fence, and went back into the pasture where the cattle were. I was moving pretty fast in the Mule, and suddenly I thought I was Evil Knievel...I was air born. It was really quite an interesting sensation. I landed, and hit a few ruts, and before you could say 'Holy-Moly', I was stuck. I had hit some ruts (and the grass had grown up so I did not know there were ruts there), and was stuck. BUT, the cattle had been moved, and there was nothing really important that needed to be done at that minute, so I was in no hurry to get the tractor and pull the Mule out of its' misery. By the way, I call this photo 'Live Cattle and Dead Mule'.
So, I walked up to the house and made breakfast for me and Jody..Egg loaf...and it was very good. We always have enough to share with the dog, and he looks forward to all of our little rituals just like we do. Anyway, after breakfast, I went out and got the tractor and some chain and pulled the Mule out of the muck. To make a long story short (and possibly less boring, but maybe not), the Mule obviously has a belt drive on it, and sitting in the muck has got the belt wet (and the belt is located in a housing) and so you can give the Mule a LOT of GAS, and it is only going to go so fast. It should dry out in a day or two! We hope!

Jody and I went into Georgetown and took a road that I had never taken before (but Jody has) and we cam upon the Berry Creek Park and Preserve. A very nice small park, part of the Georgetown Parks System (I think) and there were folks out there having pic-nics. It was very nice, and it will be nice to explore someday when we have more time. We went on about our business, and pretty soon we came upon this motor home (or deck and patio, not sure how to describe it) along side a private tank not far from the park. Very creative if I do say so myself. It looks like those folks know how to have a good time!
We ended up at the Collector's Market, put a few items in the cases and here-and-there, and then we headed off to Dairy Queen for our spoiler. YUM. We then went on to Target and Home Depot for a few things (most of which we did not purchase) and then we headed home.

The Iris are really beginning to bloom out, so here is a photo of one of the yellow ones that is just coming out. Also, since today was Palm Sunday, I spent a lot of time this morning trimming three of the Palms in the back yard around the pool. Three of them really suffered from the extremely cold weather we had this year, and one looks like it was not the least bit phased. One of them that was pretty badly damaged still needs to be trimmed, but I am not sure how to go about it on that particular plant, so I am awaiting expert advice (cue Mikey).

There is also this plant (tree) by the road that we have no idea what the name of it is, Jody refers to it as the Orchid Tree, mainly because of the color of its' blooms. If anyone out there knows what this tree is called, let us know!
Today was another friend of ours birthday (Happy Birthday Gary!), so we met him for dinner tonight at the Catfish Parlor. It was great visiting with him, and we all had a nice visit, but to tell the truth, I was falling over from tiredness in the restaurant. I finally had to break up the party and make a break for it. I felt better after standing up and walking to the car. We needed to stop and put gas in my car, too, so it is now WAY PAST my bedtime.
Good Night John Boy!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DEAD MULES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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