Off to work very early this morning, and got a good bit of stuff done before I headed off to the Board for a meeting from 11:30 til 4. It was the Board's annual Grievance and Professional Standards Training, and it was good to see all the REALTORS that are interested in doing the right thing. I know many of the folks that were in the room, and it is always nice to see all of them. It was also kind of a reunion, since it was the first time I had seen a couple of the REALTORS that had been on the cruise back during the first week of February. Very nice!
I got home and watched the last few minutes of the local news,and changed my clothes to go and check the electric fences. All was good, that is two days in a row, I am hoping for a new record! This bun-rabbit (see above) was playing statues out the front door, I was very surprised it held still while I went to get the camera and took the photo. I told Jody about it and it stayed for a long while. Usually they are very skittish, but this one obviously recognizes that we are not a threat. Okay, really, probably not. anyway, I was surprised to get the photo.
Another busy day tomorrow. Another meeting, this one begins at 1 and goes til 4, so I should get some more work done in the office in the morning. Meetings on Wednesday, showing property on Wednesday afternoon (late) and then Thursday and Friday should be somewhat more calm.
Can you say over-scheduled? When it rains it pours, and I will just work everything in. I am grateful to be busy!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BUN-RABBITS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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