I am kind of bored with relaying my mundane work-a-day information bits, so I am going to hold off on that stuff for a while...at least until I do something interesting. On my way to a meeting this morning, I got a chance to stop by a 'tent-sale' that is going on in a parking lot off MoPac, and there are two rugs that will work in our new offices. SO, I will be taking the truck in to Austin tomorrow to pick up the rugs and take them back to the office. Then I may need to take the truck in again on Friday to perhaps find a conference table for the office, and that will complete our move. Not as terrible as it could have been.
Okay, this is kind of interesting...I made it to the office this morning, and I was the first person to try turning off the alarms in our new space. Well, the codes did not work...none of the codes worked...and I dealt with the alarms blasting for 40 minutes until Tom came in and he could get the entire system shut down. ADT kept calling and I kept giving them the passwords, and they kept wanting me to walk here and walk there and unscrew this and unscrew that...and it was just not working for me. I was not a cooperative patient, but we believe the issue has been resolved. I will be the first one in again tomorrow, but I may just sit in the parking lot until someone else arrives and let them turn off the system. It was not a happy set of circumstances.
I got home at a relatively decent time this afternoon, and traffic was not too terrible. I made a good number of phone calls on the way home, so that was a good use of the drive time. I finished my book on CD ('The Virgin Suicides', an interesting book but definitely not an upper) and started on the next book which is called 'Nineteen Minutes'. Pretty interesting so far. This is pretty much what every blurb about the book says: In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game. In nineteen minutes, you can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for a family of five.... In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world, or you can just jump off it. In nineteen minutes, you can get revenge. I will let you know how it works out...it is 18 CD's, the most of any book I have listened to on CD so far.
Shrimp for dinner tonight, and hopefully an early night. I actually stayed in bed until after five o'clock this morning, I must have been extra tired. Tomorrow will be a good day, and Thursday and Friday even better. I will be at the Board tomorrow for meetings from about 11:30 until 2PM, and then back to the office. That will pretty much be the end of my 'outside' meetings for this week. AND, I need to take some non-perishable food to one of the meetings, we are making a donation to the Capital Area Food Bank. AND, showing a couple properties late in the afternoon! I AM A LUCKY GUY! I lead a charmed life, don't ever think I don't!
Well, shrimp was indeed what we HAD for dinner. I took a small detour and had dinner and cleaned up the kitchen, and now I am back. But not for long!
Deeds, Kindnesses, Actions, Changes, BLUEBONNETS, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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