Eat, Work, Sleep. Work, Eat, Eat. Work, Work, Work. Eat, Eat, Eat. Drink, Drink, Drink. Work, Work, Work. SLEEP? Okay, it is really not as bad as all that, I just have to take things as they come. I have been failing to set my boundaries lately, and I expect I will be boundariless for at least another month or six weeks. I need to get my rhythm working again. A long LONG time ago, I was a waiter in pretty nice restaurants, and I was darn good at it. I had my own call customers, and I was pretty much to prince of the establishments. I could do no wrong. I loved doing that, and it was all about rhythm. Everything had a natural flow to it, and it all worked well. Right now, I feel like I am out of sync, but I know it is only temporary, and it will all get back into sync, it will just take a few more weeks of feeling discombobulated. I can't wait until I am combobulated (spell check says combobulated is not a word, but I think if you can be discombobulated, you should also be able to be combobulated) again!
I got into the office about 9:45 this morning for my 10:30 appointment. I hate arriving right in the nick of time, I need a chance to sit and compose myself, and putz around the office for a little while. Anyway, I got into the office and my prospective clients (Virginia and Bryan) were a pleasure to work with. I have worked with Virginia lots in the past, and she is always a pleasure. So, we all sat in the office and talked for a while about options they might have, and how they wanted to go about this real estate transaction, and it was all good. They are both really nice and really fun, and it made for a really nice morning.

I had another appointment at 1PM, so I got back to the office at about 12:30, visited with Carrie and Marshall for a little while, and then my 1 o'clock was there. Actually, it was kind of a rendezvous with a guy from New Braunfels that I was buying this Hoosier cabinet from. The further and further Jody and I get into the lease space we have in Georgetown, the more fun we are having with it. We are moving to a larger and more visible space this month (exact dates are uncertain at this time), and we needed a few more items to use as display and/or for sale. SO, I bought this Hoosier cabinet and the seller delivered it to the office, and I took it the rest of the way home.

AND, since I was on a roll, I found another Hoosier cabinet for sale in Kingsland, so we drove to Kingsland and picked it up. The one from New Braunfels was actually a much better piece, but the one in Kingsland was MUCH cheaper, and it was a fun drive, and we had a nice time. While we were in Kingsland, we decided to test out the Dairy Queen there, and we stopped for our usual spoiler. WELL, have you ever heard of the Dairy Queen running out of soft serve? Well, I guess there is a first time for everything. It only delayed us a few minutes, but I would think they would be prepared for stuff like that. ANYWAY...

While we were driving home, we stopped at this place that was selling portable chicken coops. I know, I know...but I have been wanting chickens for a long time, but I am just not sure the portable chicken coop is the way to go, especially since we know there are coyotes and other predators in the area. ANYWAY, I know for sure these portable chicken coops are not what we want, I have seen much better and MUCH cheaper portable coops on the Internet. It is interesting what transitions you go through when you live in the country. I LIKE IT!
So, we dropped the Kinglsand Cabinet off at the marketplace, and we came on home. Life is good, and it has been a great day. Tomorrow, I am showing property again, and I have to feed cattle and take a fresh bale of hay out to them before I go into Austin. Monday I am working from home, that is a good thing.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOOSIER CABINETS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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