The first day of Spring, and overnight tonight there is a possibility of a freeze in the Hill Country. It is still dark as I begin this entry, and the rain began just about five minutes ago. I guess that means the front is here. It was kind of temperate when I went out to get the newspaper and check the meters. Now it is raining, blustery, thundering and lightning. The dog will not go outside (both for fear of getting wet, and he is afraid of lightning and thunder). He will cling to Jody until this racket ceases. I on the other hand, will get up from here in just a few minutes and make the beds, fix some breakfast and head of into Austin for my appointment. The rains are supposed to stop by early evening, and the forecast calls for about 3/4" of rain before it is all over. Woe is the South by Southwest festival...all those wet guitars and things. All that torn-up sod that was just replaced AGAIN. All those smelly, great un-washed. All those damp doobies (really difficult to light). All that Humanity. ALL THAT JAZZ!
When I left for the office this morning, there was about 3/4 of an inch of rain in the gauge, and it is now about twenty-minutes-past-five and there was a little bit more rain after I left. Not bad for about three hours of rain. Most of the day, every temperature reading I could find said 43 degrees...most recently I saw one that said 41 degrees. The latest weather report I heard was for a low temperature tonight of 34 degrees. That means we may actually have a hard freeze tonight...maybe down to about 28 in this part of Texas. CRAZY!
I had a nice appointment with my buyer clients this morning, and then I headed home. I met Jody at the Collector's Market in Georgetown, and we got about 75% of the stuff moved from our old space to the new space. Tomorrow (early) we will go into Georgetown and empty the two lighted display cases and move them, and then try to put everything back together. Hopefully, we will not be doing this for more that about four hours tomorrow.
We then went on errands which included Home Depot, Target, Office Depot and the Ace Hardware store (which was closed). But we should be in good shape for tomorrow. Oh, and how can I forget this, we also stopped at the Dairy Queen for our weekly spoiler, so that was good.

Last night Jody sort of tried to taunt me about something that was for sale on CR 1105, so this morning I drove that way when I was going into town. He knows I have a weak spot for all things rusty, and thee is a '49 Chevy parked in a guys driveway for sale. COVERED IN RUST, TOO! This afternoon on the way home, I stopped to take a closer look at it. It is really a nice looking old car, needs a lot of work, including a motor and transmission and full interior, but it looks cool. AND, it can be yours for only $1,800. CRAZY!
We are heading out to the Filling Station for dinner tonight. I think I will be having bar-b-que ribs for a couple reasons...I want ribs and I can bring the bones home to the dog. It is all about the dog!
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, Changes, RUSTY STUFF, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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