Still tired. It was a day of ups and downs, but I think everything will be cleared up in a couple of weeks. Not enough time in the day, too many conflicts, too many people in the world that do not know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings. Hell, there are too many people in the world that have never even HEARD of the band called Wings. Too many people!

I do not know about you, but this does not look anything like the picture of the FISH MEAL at the drive-thru at What-A-Burger. This is really, REALLY processed fish food...AT ITS' WORST. It smelled like fish, but it really did not taste like fish. That in itself makes me a little suspicious...coupled with the fact that the 'tartar sauce product' had kind of congealed in its' little container. AND I HAD TO 'PULL UP PLEASE' and we will bring you your order when we darn well feel like it. I hate having to wait for fast food. kind of sounds like I am in a bad mood doesn't it? Well, I'm really not, I think I am just tired. See the paragraph above!

Traffic was a bit of a challenge coming home tonight. I was very proud of myself, and left the office about 3:30. I had to go put flyers in a box at one of my listings, and then I had to go through the drive-thru (do you see a recurring theme here?) at the bank. Anyway, two hours later, I finally got home. Stop-and-go traffic is good for taking photos of interesting things you see while behind the wheel, like this cute little window sticker on a cute little VW Bug that was in front of me. AND, since I am becoming a bee hobbyist, I thought it was worthy of a photo.

When I got home, I told Jody I wanted to walk back to the pasture and check on the cattle, and he decided to go along with me. All is well on the cattle front, still have not seen the newest calf pee yet, so I am still not 100% sure it the gender, but I really am leaning towards it being a little heifer calf. Time will tell. AND I actually think Violet is pregnant. Violet was our first born from the farm in Red Rock, and her bag is looking kind of big, and her teats are kind of big, and they have that 'waxy-build-up' on them. A sure sign that something is about to happen. Can you believe this kind of talk is coming out of my typing digits? Sometimes I can't either, but I love the country life.
Among other things, Jody's dinner tonight included fresh asparagus...chopped down right outside the garage. Not too bad for the middle of March.
Tomorrow, it will be a calm, slow day I hope. Jody and I are going to drive down to IKEA (I think) to take a look at the office furniture they have available. We usually got all of our office furniture at EURWAY, but it seems that IKEA put them out of business. That's progress for you.
Deeds, Kindnesses, Changes, COW TEATS, Actions, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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