I have a whole new respect for Allen Funt...okay, maybe not really because he never asked anyone if they wanted to have their photo taken wearing a tiara, but anyway, for all those people who are REALLY REALLY creative, I tip my tiara to you. By default today, I am wearing the tiara, because I could not find a decent set-up for taking a photo of the tiara in a decent and/or otherwise interesting place. You might notice, I was dressed for cold weather. It is not really that cold outside, but I was heading out to feed the cattle after I got home from work, and it is a little breezy and I was going to be out for a while, so, better warm than not. I had intended to get one of the cattle to wear the tiara, but they explained that they would not be caught DEAD wearing something semi-precious, so that was it for that. There were developments on the 'cow front' however, so you need to keep reading to find out about that.

SO...I have been reduced to this...or, because of my EXPANSION, I need to reduce to this...or something like that. You figure it out. As I reported to you yesterday, I gained about five pounds on the trip, AND I AM FREAKING STARVING! For the most of the past two weeks, I was on a feeding frenzy on board that ship, where nothing would be denied me. Whenever I wanted anything (to eat, that is) it was right there. If I wanted to drink (and I had my sail and sign card) it magically appeared right before me. NOW, if I want to eat something, I have to hide in shame, fearful that my colleagues will not understand the illness (and it IS an ILLNESS) that I contracted in those jungles of Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and Mexico. Okay, so not so much in Mexico...we were all on a downhill slide by the time we got there. Today for lunch, I went to Souper Salads and (actually) none of it was good except for the salad and bread parts. The soup was AWFUL and the vegetarian lasagna was INDESCRIBABLE, and not in a good way. AND, I did not even visit the soft-serve ice cream section. What control and discipline I have. Whatever...

Okay, this is a blatant political observation, but I saw this on FaceBook this afternoon, and it was posted by my friend Joe (okay, one of my friends named Joe). The commentary that accompanied the photo said, something like "If you are wondering what Sarah writes on the palm of her hand..." I think it is pretty darn funny, and they have been making fun of SARAH all over Headline News Network this afternoon, too. That DAMN liberal press, they don't know who they are messing with. EVEN FUNNIER (or scary, depending on your point of view), she was in Texas the other day, supporting our Governor. Heaven Help Us ALL!

Okay, COW NEWS...we have a new little girl, and she looks like she is about three to five days old (you can still see her umbilical cord not quite all dried up yet). I know FOR SURE that it is a heifer calf, cause I saw her pee. I am not going to make that mistake again, live and learn! I am not sure who the mother is, however, since I did not see her nurse, but I suspect it is Orchid. I was trying to see who had the biggest bag for nursing, and that is what makes me think it is Orchid. If it is indeed her calf, she is just a calf-making machine...either that or Mr. Speckles thinks she is something special. Either way, she is a beautiful calf, and I think we are going to name her Stormy. She will have a full, snotty registered kind-of-name, but for all practical purposes, Stormy is it. I will bring you up to date with more details as we get it all figured out. Stay Tuned!
Changes, Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, NEW CALVES, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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