WHERE’S THE TIARA? Well, today, it is found atop the lovely Pam! She was seen in Vincent’s Lounge where this photo was taken just before the TREC Ethic’s class began. Pam and I have known each other for many years, but we have only recently been able to become better friends. I have enjoyed the time we spent getting to know each other, and especially the time we have been able to share on this cruise. She is a wonderful person; she gives back to our REALTOR® community, and she is a very good example for all of us. AND, she is a happy tiara person! There is another photo of Pam a few paragraphs below (with Jim) taken last night at dinner

I have really jumped off the ‘watch my food intake’ wagon today. I really did not fall off; I jumped off and have not looked back. I had a nice breakfast, and a nice lunch, and I will be going to a nice dinner later on. You should see the passengers going through these ‘feed’ lines. All you can eat is really something that should be better restricted in our society. As a society, I think we have issues with self-control, and if you have that crutch to fall back on, it is a short road to ruin. I am just as guilty as the next person, so this should not be interpreted as me throwing stones. We need more regulation in our lives, right?
Dinner last night was A BLAST, and everyone at our table and all around us was really having a great time. Everyone started taking photos, and we just all generally had a good time. I need Jim to share some of the photos he took with me so I can post them here for you to see.

It is a beautiful morning here, the sun is out (for the first time since we left) and the sunrise this morning was pretty nice. It is warm (and HUMID), but I think it will be another great day. I teach this morning at 9 o’clock, and then I will attend another class at 1 o’clock. Then, it is smooth sailing until the next class I am scheduled to attend on Saturday. BUT, in the meantime, I do have work I want to try and get accomplished while on the ship and able to enjoy the quiet time. It will all work out, I have confidence!

HOW ABOUT THAT HOT WATER? Well, I am not too sure, because I did not have any this morning when I was getting ready, BUT, I am more fortunate than others who had NO WATER period! I had heard some of our group had no hat water yesterday, but I thought it was an isolated incident, BUT NO, I think it is a recurring challenge. I will be really concerned if it is my turn for NO WATER tomorrow. This is a photo of Jill & Jack (or Jack and Jill) taken at dinner last night. THEY HAD NO WATER THIS MORNING, BUT IT WAS RESTORED MID-DAY.
Tonight in just a few minutes is a little welcome party in one of the lounges…no matter that we have been on this ship for two days now, and we are just getting around to being welcomed. Whatever! I will just go with the flow. Okay, I am back, and the get together was really kind of fun. I hung with the folks I usually hang with, and I am happy to be getting to know and bond with these folks better than I have (or we have) in the past. Mark, Shara, Elaine, Jana, Steve, Jack & Jill (I know I am leaving out some folks). AND there was free liquor, which, to REALTORS® is almost as good as free food!
Tomorrow is Jamaica (I think), and that will be fun to get off the ship and walk around wherever it is that we will dock. I am really not that clear on where we are heading, and I am really not that concerned about it. Wherever we dock will be just fine with me. My goal is to go into whatever town or city we land in and try to get someone to wear the tiara. Tomorrow the tiara will be photographed with a total stranger. We shall see…

Dinner is in a couple hours, so that will give me a chance to rest for a few minutes, and then get changed and on to the dining room. Our table will be short a few folks tonight, some of our table mates have reservations in the other dining room tonight, and another group of us have reservations there on Friday night. This is Tuesday, right? Okay. This is a photo of Jim and Pam taken at dinner last night, as referenced above.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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