Well, after yesterday's guest tiara appearance, today's guest tiara is kind of anti-climactic, unless of course you are someone like Walt Disney. AND, I guess that if Walt Disney appeared in the blog wearing a guest tiara, that would be kind of exciting...but it's not, it is a couple parrots wearing little-bitty tiaras from who-knows-where... When we were in the Cayman Islands about ten days ago (seems like a lot longer than that, doesn't it Pam, Shara, another Pam, Mark and Jim and Patty?), I was walking down a street and I could hear a bunch of parrots, but I never did find them. I accomplished my mission (rum cakes and t-shirts) and headed back to the boat. No more drug deals for me! Anyway, it is possible these are the parrots I heard, because I was carrying the tiara, and I asked a Cayman Islander guy on stilts to wear the tiara so I could take his picture and he would have no part of it. First off, he did not know what a tiara was, and if I had not been quite so exacting in my description of it (I almost had him at CROWN), I think I could have convinced him, BUT NO... Anyway, these could be the same parrots, you never can really tell...all parrots kind of look the same to me...does that make me a bad person?

We saw another Great Blue Heron out by the near tank behind the house this morning, and I got one quick picture of him, and then he was off...I was trying to find him on the camera screen, only to realize later he had flown-the-coop as it were. Whatever... I made egg-loaf this morning, and that was yummy, and then I decided to get ready to take a bale of hay to the other pasture, so when I move the cattle next time, that will already be done.
You see, it was a perfectly lovely morning, and the sun was out, and life was good. More about that a few paragraphs from now.

All the cattle were happy in their pasture, and the newest baby girl was happily irritating her mother (although she looks very angelic in this photo), and after I got the bale out and situated, Jody and took a ride on the Mule and went into the far pasture. It is actually pretty dry back there, and I think I could actually get Michael to come on over and till it up so we could plant that prairie grass that I bought months ago. I was amazed at how dry it was in the back pasture. That is a really good sing. AND, the wire fences are looking really good, too. I think there are only a couple places in the far corners that need some attention, and we can have the electric fences all up and working. That will be great! A good accomplishment, considering how much rain we have had lately.
So, after all that, Jody and I got a few (three) boxes from the front shed and went through them. We disposed of a lot of stuff, and get some stuff together to take to the re-sale place. Hopefully, by the end of the summer, we will have made some room in the front shed. I will need it for when it is time to harvest honey. I should get my 'package bees' in about a month, and then that will be another extravaganza. Who knows what will happen when I try to get the five hives started. The mind boggles!
After that, we went into Georgetown and I got my hair cut, and then off to Target where we got the dog-boy a new bed (which he likes very much, thank you). Then to Old Navy where I reinforced the boxer situation (with fabulous ones, ask me to show them to you the next time you see me), then to Dairy Queen, and then home.

On the way home, the NEXT COLD FRONT came through, very breezy, and temperatures dropping by the second. What the heck, I stopped at the place where I had been told they were planting olive trees about this time last year. I spoke with the guys that were there (one was the owner) and they have 33 acres of olive trees, 23,000 trees in total. That's a lot of olive trees! They are in the process right now of building the structure that will house the 'press' and they expect their first harvest in 2011, about 30% of a full harvest. So far, it has been interesting to watch the process. We got home, and the flags are pretty much straight out in the breeze.

BUT NOW, it is really windy and really getting colder. The good new is the turbines are generating their little hearts out, and we are makin' us some 'lectricity! The bad news is it looks like more rain and cold weather for another couple of days.
Whatever... So, that's it for today.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STRONG BREEZES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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