Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2011 - Day Three Hundred Five; Tuesday...

I went and did an Internet search for the word 'excellent' and was not really impressed with the results of the images. Most of them dealt with Smithers from 'The Simpson's' television series. After dinner, Jody and I sat out on the porch, and the flags were just enjoying themselves with the nice southerly breezes. If you are a regular to this journal, you know I carry on an intense love affair with the flags of Texas and the United States. Nothing much prettier or more eloquent than those two things in my mind, so that is my image for the word 'excellent'.

Working on 'excellent' because that is how my day could be best described. Perhaps excellent has even been 'dumbed down' because I just realized that I consider it an excellent day if nothing extraordinarily bad happens. There was nothing extraordinarily good either, but there were indeed lots of small, wonderful things in my day, and I shared it with lots of wonderful and extraordinary colleagues. You know who you are, and let's just leave it at 'if you build it...'.

OOOOHHHH, I love mysterious stuff!

I almost forgot, this is 'social networking', and I ALMOST started talking about a new listing in the '04. If you want to know about it, you will need to check out my business page, or give me a call.

Looking forward to tomorrow, how about yourself?

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SALUTE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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