Friday, October 17, 2014

20104 - Day 290/75 - Friday...

Today (this evening really) was the first time I have seen Barney the cat in several days.  I was pecking on the breakfast room window trying to get her to smile for the camera, and she was not in the least bit concerned.  She also has a perfectly clean fresh bowl of water but she prefers to hydrate from the dish that is the saucer for the geranium out by the pool.  So does the dog.  And the chickens.  And who knows what else.  This is the edge of nowhere for Pete's sake!

If it is Friday, I must be home!  Yippee!  The past week was a busy one, and I stayed in Austin two of the five nights.  Tuesday night I stayed in town because Realty Roundup was on Wednesday, and I needed to be there early in the morning.  Yesterday was the first day of our annual ABoR Leadership Retreat, and the meetings went well into the evening and I stayed in town to be back there early this morning.  Wonderfully meaningful information shared, good networking with colleagues, volunteer servants of every ilk, newly announced Directors and Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs.  2015 will be a very good year indeed!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CATS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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