Friday, November 25, 2016

2016 - Day 330/36 - Friday...

We stayed in Austin last night and got up this morning a little bit later than usual and headed back to the edge of nowhere. It was a beautifully sunny day in Austin, and when we got to Round Rock, the skies started getting greyed and gloomier, and by the time we got home, it had been raining a little bit on us. As of now, we have about 0.23" of rain in the gauge, and we have not seen the sun since we left Austin. I actually built a fire in the stove, and that took the chill off the house, and that was nice. The mail did not come until after 4 o'clock this afternoon, so I guess the carrier was backed up from the day off.

After the dinner and desserts of yesterday with Michael, Lynda and Josh, I abstained from much food today. I had a bagel for breakfast, a bagel for lunch and Jody and I just had a turkey sandwich for dinner. And the answer to the unspoken question was 'yes, I would like pie and it is up to you what kind'. As I write this, I can hear Jody in the kitchen putting pie on a plate, and I won't be disappointed, which ever kind of pie it is.

After we returned home this morning, we only left the house to take the girl dog for a walk and for me to bring firewood into the house.


Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN

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