Sunday, November 27, 2016

2016 - Day 332/34 - Sunday...

Well, we are officially (kind of) back to the throngs of the middle class. Jody bought eggs at HEB last week. The girls have just quit laying. I attribute the lack of production to old age. I am not sure how old the girls are, but (apparently) they are old enough that they have given up all their store of eggs. There will not be (however) and chicken soup from these girls. They will just pass into the other side when their time comes, and we will need to decide if we want more chickens or not. The price of eggs at the HEB certainly is not an indicator that we should get more chickens; each egg we got from the girls cost the equivalent of $39.95, when you take the time, feed, nurturing and housing into account. These are free range girls, and they have lived a good life. We shall see come spring time, but I am kind of leaning against more chickens. Can you tell which of these eggs were the store bought ones? Okay, I'll give you this clue, the cracked egg (that I could not get out of the crate) is one of the store bought eggs.

I got a few things done around the house today; I got the grass up by the road cut, cattle fed, kept the fire going in the stove, and a lot of this-and-that.

Tomorrow will be another day of work and this will be an interesting week. Tuesday I will be volunteering with the Austin Board at a Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build. Tomorrow we start, and the house should be done by December 16th.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, EGGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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