Well, it seems that I am not the only person that had a bad day on Wednesday, BUT it actually energized me, and today was full of great accomplishments and positive outlooks. It is kind of hard to put everything in perspective when terrible things are happening all around this big blue marble, but reality says we will keep on keeping on. I expect that all through history folks questioned the meaning of life. I expect that, a hundred years ago folks wondered if it was worth it to get up in the morning, and it was. I think we have to put everything in perspective and do the best we can, and it will all work out the way it is supposed to. There you have it!
I had six souls on my Wheels-On-Wheels route this morning, and it was really a lot of fun making those rounds. That is something that tends to put things back into perspective in rapid fashion.
Once back in the office, it was catching up on more work, and I was pretty successful at it. Suddenly the market is alive. Property management clients, Buyers and Sellers are all appearing, most of the referrals or calls from past clients. It is going to be an interesting year. Busy, busy, busy. I think our market is going to make a nice turn around, but there is always the government shut-down to contend with. If nothing else, it will make for an interesting few months.

Here is another photo of some of our Iris, they are starting to really bloom now, and Jody noticed that many of the blooms are closer to the ground this year, and we wonder if that is because of our continuing drought. The droughts are the reason we are transplanting and giving away many of the Iris and Cannas, there is just not enough water to go around, so we are consolidating and putting everything closer to the house.
Okay, let's talk about chickens for a bit. I have been reporting that I suspect one of our chickens is an egg-sucking chicken. It seems that is not out of the ordinary, and a friend of mine, Ruth Anne sent me an e-mail today that they put a golf ball in their chickens nesting box, and the chickens stopped crushing the eggs. Well, I think it is worth a try. We have ONE golf ball, but we can get more. We may also try putting fake eggs in the other boxes. When I was a little kid, 'nest-eggs' were pretty common, but I thought they were used to induce laying by the hens. They may have other uses, so I am going to give it a try!

This is a fun photo of Jody and the chickens from last night. We were sitting on the porch, eating a piece of DELICIOUS SPICE CAKE that was made by my friend Dolise (YUMMY, YUMMY) and the chickens all decided they wanted some of the cake. They jumped up and tried to get some of Jody's cake, then they decided to come over and get some of my cake. We were strong, and did not give in to them. Interestingly, one of the chickens continues to 'peck-on' or 'pick-on' the dog. They are certainly not afraid of the dog, and he is certainly intimidated by them. He is a good boy for sure!
That will do it for today, tune in tomorrow!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CRAZY CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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