Another bang up day...Property Management meeting this morning, short and sweet! No problemos! I like it.
Next was my Meals-On-Wheels delivery. Seven clients today, and they were pretty much all glad to see me. There is one client who has a 'helper' and that person is not my favorite (that is awful, right), but the 'helper' was not there today, so everything was great. And my favorite client asked me to check out some items for her, and there was nothing I could help her with (but I did call her case worker for help) and my client said she would give me a big KISS, so I got a smoochie while delivering my route today. What could be better?

Lunch appointment with one of my colleagues (hey Ed!) and that was fun. He is very interested in Green issues, so I had an opportunity to talk A LOT about my car, and this and that. Ed drove us to Whole Foods where I got a pretty decent charge (for free) on their ChargePoint system, so all-in-all it was GREAT. This is a photo of my lunch, which I have to tell you was really a lot better than it looks. Some kind of chicken, some noodles and some fruit. Not too bad. I am saving myself for dinner tonight, see a couple paragraphs below...

On the way back to the office, it is not a good sign to see the traffic lights on 'FLASH' and the new Police Department 'class' practicing how to direct traffic. I took the photo anyway, hoping I could start some stuff, but they did not notice, and we went on about our way, after the 'changing of the directors'. Everyone has to learn their jobs, so I will cut them all a break.
Friends of this journal are contacting me with donations for the friends of our Administrative Goddess Karla, who were burned out of their home in the wild fires last week. A BIG SHOUT OUT to Joe & Carolyn, the management and staff of the Steve F Austin InterContinental Hotel, and all the rest of you for your kindnesses, donations and prayers.
The second half of today's journal will be completed once I get home tonight. It is gonna be LATE, but it will be done before midnight. I cannot miss a day!
Okay, I am home, and it is WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY , WAY past my bedtime. It is after 11 and I just came back in from turning on the cattle's water in the pasture and cleaning the skimmer basket in the pool. Walking back to the house from the pasture was really kind of fun; very dark but the light in the pool was casting a glow onto the back of the house. Very ethereal. I enjoyed it very much. AND the wind is blowing pretty nicely out of the south, so the turbines are spinning away, and I love that sound as well. Thumpa-thumpa-thumpa. You have to experience it!

SO, tonight was the Austin Chapter of the Women's Council of REALTORS dinner/dance and it was pretty much a BLAST! Our agent Chris was one of the coordinators for the event, and it was just a really good time (at the Elk's Lodge). We were joined by another agent Sytha (who is just a dream), and we were also joined at our table by John and Susan. All told, we had a really fine time. This is a photo of Carrie and Chris burning up the dance floor. Great fun...

What is it about tiaras that I just cannot pass up? I am like a moth to a flame drawn to them. Like an alluring siren I am bound to crash my ship upon the boulders just for one ecstatic moment of bliss with a tiara. Whatever... Anyway, Susan brought a tiara with her to the function, so of course it was a photo op for me. This is one of the more discreet photos, you will have to pay me if you want to see the others.
Tomorrow will be a nice day at the office, a happy end to a really nice week.
Later dudes...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TIARAS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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