Okay, I am close to admitting it, I am Too F'ing Old for this. Maybe I got up around seven this morning, had an encore performance of egg loaf and cinnamon rolls, and started painting about 8:30. The never ending lattice and deck are ALMOST done, just need to 'detail' it now. I wonder if that will ever get done? Probably. Then there were weeds to pull; another never ending thing. And then there was grass to cut, and that never ends either. I was pretty steady at it until after 5 o'clock, except for a short break to go to Dairy Queen. Fabulous! Is it windy where you are? It remains crazy windy here. The meteorological prognosticator on the news this evening said it was going to be a little windy tomorrow, and if this is not windy, I really do not know what is. The turbines are working like mad, the chimes are all chiming, the air show is showing, the flags are all a-flapping. But the breeze is nice.

Among other things, we got the cattle fed this afternoon, and took fresh bales of hay out to both pastures. I was going to move the cattle to the other pasture yesterday, but we have a guy working on some of the fences, so I am putting that off until next week. I did get an up-close and personal view of both of the new calves today, and I can confirm that they are both bull calves. This is a picture of the calf that was born on Monday, and in the paragraph below is a photo of the calf that was born on Tuesday. Yep, both bull calves.

Just in case you were wondering, chickens are indiscriminate poopers. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just kind of a challenge to keep up with the chicken poop. Poop, poop, poop, that is pretty much all they do, that and destroy flower beds and lay eggs. That is pretty much it. AND, I think we have an egg sucking chicken, one of the reds. I have not caught her in the act, but I have caught her with egg on her face. I think that is pretty much enough for an indictment, or at least a grand jury investigation.
Tomorrow will be (yet) another day!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, EGG SUCKERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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