Attention K-Mart Shoppers; this is my 850th consecutive post. Crazy, right? Who wudda thunk it? Fer shure, not me. Eight Hundred and Fifty Days of posting to this journal, and not a day missed yet. Everytime I reach one of these 'markers' I wonder how long it will be before I miss a day, maybe because I forget (I almost forgot to post one day) or because there is some type of technical issue. I expect that will the real reason for the failure of posting at some point. Due to technical issues, I have come close to missing a post. I figure I have until midnight of any particular day to 'publish' a post, and if I get it done, that is fine. The reality is, I wonder when (not really if) I will miss a deadline?

The sun was rising beautifully this morning when I was heading out of the house to go to the office. Glorious. Can you tell that there are really no neighbors out here, and that we are just out here enjoying the peace and quiet? It is really nice. If more than a half-dozen cars go down the road on any given day (including the mail truck) we make not of it. We have lots of room out here, and we really do enjoy it.
Interesting concept; the end of the month is followed closely by the beginning of the next month. Since we do some property management, about this time of one month (to be followed by another month) folks are either moving out or moving in. Or they are paying their rents (accompanied quite often by a demand for some sort of repair). It is against human nature to pay the rent without complaining about something!

There is a new kid in the neighborhood and he is a BIG ONE. I was very surprised to see a crane lifting this big-boy into place this morning on my way to work. Much bigger than our turbines, probably at least three times as big as ours. On the way home tonight, I stopped at the house and knocked on the door (folks who do energy things expect knocks on the doors) but no one was at home. That's okay, there is always tomorrow. BUT, this turbine is a little different than others I have seen, this one has a vane that is not always in line with the blades, kind of like the old wind mills that pumped water. You could control the blades depending on how you set the vanes, and these vanes were not spinning as fast as I would have expected them. They would probably not spin as fast as our, but they are bigger and get more KwH for the revolution. BUT, I still think there is some fine tuning required, and I will let you know what I find out.
Five eggs from the girls today. Pretty soon, with the days getting longer, the girls are going to have to be putting me to bed instead of the other way around. When the sun does not set until almost 9 o'clock, I am not sure I will be able to stay awake that long.

More blossoms on the cactus in front of the house, but I waited too long to take the picture, the blooms are WAY past their prime.
There is going to be a lot of accomplishments made tomorrow. I have a very long list of things I want to achieve, and I will make some progress. I really do not think I will be able to get everything on the list done, but there will always be another day!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TURBINES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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