Busy, busy, busy, but what is a weekend without being busy. I was hitting it by about 7 o'clock this morning, and got a tremendous amount of stuff done. The worst I did first, which was dragging rail road ties that had been used as walkway borders out and putting them with the OTHER rail road ties in the back. I am working on getting things done so I can cut the grass more easily. A little bit here, and a little bit there...

Early this morning these clouds were really angry looking, and we were hoping there might be so rain in some of them. There was thunder (which surprised us all while we were eating breakfast) but no rain. There was something falling out of the sky that was kind of wet, but there were no spots of moisture on the pavement PERIOD. For most of the morning it was cloudy, so that was good, it kept the temperature down a little bit, although there was enough humidity that it was easy to begin glistening.
OH, when I was out first thing this morning, I was giving the girls some fresh water, and there was a SNAKE in the water hydrant thing (we have the hose-bibs under the surface like in a sprinkler control box so they don't freeze in the winter). It was dark, I had my flashlight, but I was not expecting the snake. Probably just another chicken snake, but I was SURPRISED! Did I mention I was surprised? Which usually goes along with me SCREAMING like a GIRL! I'm just sayin... My friend Joe Mac is gonna send me another e-mail about what kind of gun I should have for killing snakes, and I may pay closer attention this time!

Jody and I headed into Georgetown this afternoon and stopped at Dairy Queen (of course) and then we went to HEB to do a little bit of shopping. As we were getting home, we saw the mail man pulling out of the drive way, and I expected that meant our new Queen had arrived. I ordered a new Queen for my weak bee-hive, and they shipped her by Priority Mail. Interesting. I am not sure how many times this mail man has delivered bees, but he did not seem too concerned. This is a photo of the shipping package. I just think it is interesting you can get a bee in an envelope.

After we were home for a while, I was working in the back on the patio and saw this interesting moth. I assume it is a moth, but whatever it is, it has a really interesting pattern on its' body and wings. It did not hang around for too long, but at least I got a picture of it.
I also did some more weed pulling today. I fully understand that for every weed I pull out of the ground by its' roots, there are scores of other weeds laughing (and probably texting their friends) at my un-deserved self-glorification that I am superior to them. There is no way I will ever defeat the weeds. The weeds will be here long after I am gone, long after this house is gone, long after everything we know is gone. Weeds and cockroaches. Probably. Right now I am putting my money on the weeds. Weeds we got, cockroaches we ain't. Knock Wood...

Towards the end of the day, I introduced the new Queen to her hive. I did not introduce her the way she should have been introduced. She was ACCIDENTALLY released by me (it's a long story) instead of being introduced gradually. SO, I hope this all works out the way I want it to. I expect right now there is a LOT of activity in that hive, and there is a LOT of busy-bees in that hive. I hope the two Queens fight it out and that the new Queen is victorious. We will see in a couple weeks.
Tomorrow will be another day, and it will include a fresh batch of weeds.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW QUEENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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