Thursday, May 11, 2017

2017 - Day 131/234 - Thursday...

Cupcakes. Really small cupcakes. Teeny-tiny cupcakes. Can you even see them? They really are cupcakes. I attended a reception tonight at the Board, the 2017 ABoR Foundation Scholarship Awards Reception. There were some finger foods served, which I really did not have an opportunity to share. But there were plenty of cupcakes. Did I mention that the cupcakes were really small? They were really small. But I ate a couple, and I brought three of them home with me. Maybe I am just in the mood to complain, which is really uncharacteristic of me! No, really... CUPCAKES! It's What's for Dinner! I was in the office most of the day today, and I crossed lots of items off my 'To Done' list. Happy about that. Tomorrow is going to be another good day, I can just feel it! Deeds, Actions, Changes, CUPCAKES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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