Friday, May 12, 2017

2017 - Day 132/233 - Friday...

I attended a very important meeting at the Board today, but after the meeting it was important for those of us in attendance to take a couple minutes and laugh. There is not enough laughing going on, in my humble opinion. Laughing will make us all live a little bit longer. Laughing is good for what ails us all, and I recommend laughing on a regular basis. We all need to laugh more. Politics could be laughable, but sadly that is not the kind of laughing I am talking about. Laughing is the making of spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt and derision. I am okay with the first part of that, not so much with the last part. Chuckle, chortle, snort, guffaw, cackle, giggle, titter, twitter, snigger, snicker, teehee. I am good with all those. I am also good with burst out laughing, roar, hoot, howl, crack up, dissolve, split one's sides, roll on the floor, double over. Kill yourself laughing may be taking the whole thing just a little bit too far. I am not okay with dismiss, make a joke of, make light of, shrug off, brush aside, scoff at, or pooh-pooh. Now, take my advice (please) and go practice. Deeds, Actions, Changes, LAUGH, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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