Friday, September 27, 2013

2013 - Day 269/96 - Thursday...

Alright, it is WAY WAY WAY past my bedtime.  I got off to an early start this morning, and knew I was not going to be maki8ng it home tonight.  I am camping out in the office, and I think that will be a pretty regular occurrence for the next 15 months or so.  This is the view of my inflatable bed in my office as seen from the desk chair.

Our PM meeting in the AM has been postponed until tomorrow (although it is already tomorrow, I am pretending like it is still yesterday). 

If it's Thursday, it must be my Meals-On-Wheels day.  There is a new client on the route, and she lives in a place that I never even knew existed.  BUT, overall, a good day for getting out in the fresh air.

I left the office this afternoon about 5 o'clock and headed downtown for the City Council meeting.  We met up first at a place called Coal Vines across the street from City Hall.  Headed back to City Hall at 6:30, and then waited for the meeting to resume.  I was there to speak 8in opposition of a Rental Registration Ordinance that was being proposed.  I made my presentation about 10:15 (not really sure what time it was) and the Council was deadlocked, so the Ordinance was postponed indefinitely.  Which I think means it will come back to Council next week.  Very interesting.

Good night...

Deeds, Actions, Changes, OFFICE CAMP, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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