Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014 - Day 354/11 - Saturday...

I began my rant last night about having no oversupply of common sense, but then I forgot (there I go again) and went down a rabbit hole about something else, but now I am back and wanted to clarify the common sense thing I started; Yesterday, walking from my car to the Habitat House dedication (remember that it rained the night before) I walked (as instructed, I ALWAYS follow instructions), through a field that (allegedly) had a straw/hay path leading to the house.  I had been to the same field and traversed the (alleged) straw/hay path on Tuesday and noticed a decided absence of straw/hay.  But it was not big deal on that day because it had not rained, and even so, I was wearing shoes that were more appropriate for traversing a field.  On Friday, I was not wearing shoes that would be considered sensible for walking any unreasonable distance, weather it were via a lovely hardwood floor or a straw/hay path, ESPECIALLY if just mere hours before it had rained.  SO, the common sense part dealt with the fact that I ended up with several pounds of expansive clay soil (up to about the penny part had I been wearing penny loafers) on what had until very recently been nice oxblood pair of tassel loafers.  At least I was not the only one stomping around before and/or after the dedication, and if you had no knowledge of the events, you would have rightly surmised that you had accidentally arrived at a clog dance marathon, and I was not even good enough to make the top ten.

Now, where were we?

I now have documented evidence of the grey cat for you all to peer at.  Today, I saw the orange cat (Barney) walking across the patio towards the food station (kind of like the condiment bar at a Burger King), and shortly after, she was gone (there was no moist food in evidence).  Then I saw the grey cat walking across the patio to check out the offerings, and I snapped this photo.  Later in the day, I saw the grey cat high-tail it to the neighbors, or at least through the fence onto their property.  As I was sitting down to pen this journal entry, Jody reported that we now have an orange cat (Barney) a grey cat (yet to be named) and an opossum taking nourishment on the back porch.  I am not sure, but I do not think this is going to end well.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, STRAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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