I don't know about the rest of you, but I will take a whole slew of Mondays if they were all like this. I got an amazing amount of work done today, and even managed to cross off a couple things on my 'To Done' list that I had been agonizing over for (who knows really) a month or two. AND, I had time to make lots of p[hone calls, follow-ups and even guided a few folks through a class on Ethics. It has been a GREAT day! Don't get me wrong, there are still a couple things on my list to get taken care of, but I have done the worst. I preach that you should do the worst first, but I am pretty bad at taking my own advice. I can give it, I just can't follow it!
I had started to post a relatively boring photo for this entry, but lucky for you all, Barney came to the rescue, so here is a shot of our androgynous cat (not sure if it's a he or a she), and please do not forward the photo to the FORMER vet that takes pride in her 'first kill'. We are happy to have Barney keeping the rodent population in check, so you don't know where we live!
Heads-up in case you are not in my legion of Facebook friends; I am going to be starting a new and controversial Facebook group that will be by invitation only. It is going to be a LOT of fun. The only thing I am waiting for is Chris to come into the office so he can help me get it started. Okay, that is code for I will ask Chris to set the whole thing up for me, because I am old and a Luddite. Stay tuned, it is going to be FUN!
One more thing...I am getting this entry posted early enough that I get to go see a full episode of 'Antiques Road Show'. The day just keeps getting better and better!
I am the luckiest man in the world.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FREELOADING CATS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!