I was stuck on the flyover for about 45 minutes this afternoon; creeping, inch-by-inch towards the summit (which I estimate to be about 60 to 70 feet above terra-firma). Slowly I wiggled and wobbled. Yes, I KNOW they are engineered to wiggle and wobble, but I AM NOT! Again, there was no real panic attack, but there was HIGH ANXIETY. I am not always the best airline passenger too. I don't like turbulence. On flights that I cannot see land ANYWHERE, if there is turbulence, there had damn well better be a video game to keep me distracted. In today's case, it was cellular service that came to the rescue, and any of you that travel that area on a regular basis are aware that my particular carrier (there is no need to disclose the particular carrier, but the initials are AT&T) finds it not really that important to provide coverage in the middle of a heavily populated area.
But I survived. Thanks for those of you that tried to calm me (Jody), and for the others, I would appreciate it if, in the future you would just give me a call that the Interstate is closed for the duration.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COMMUTING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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