I am conflicted. Yes, I admit, I have serious concerns about today. It is Earth Day, 2015. It is also National Administrative Assistant Day. And National Girl Scout Leadership Day. And it is NATIONAL JELLY BEAN DAY! Who in the F knew there was a NATIONAL JELLY BEAN DAY? I am sure you can understand my conflict and concern. How could our leadership and elected officials mar the importance of the Earth and JELLY BEANS with honoring them on the same day. I just cannot cope. I will have to try some extra self-medication this evening.
My friend Chris (not that Chris, another Chris) came up with a pretty good plan. His idea is to make everyday Earth Day, and then designate one day a year to be Asshole Day (a day in which we can all let loose and trash the planet)
. I think that would be a better balance overall. And, I know for sure that assholes and jelly beans go very well together!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, JELLY BEANS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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