REALTORS® worry about copyright issues and intellectual properties, among all the other things I worry about. I had to go into Austin this morning to show property, and on the way back, I was listening to public radio. There was a story (probably Ira Glass- This American Life) about a free-living crested macaque named Naruto, that (allegedly) grabbed someones camera and took a couple selfies. I do not know the whole story, but this is what I took away: The guy that owned the camera published the photos, and did not give credit or cash to Naruto, the owner of the intellectual property (the photos). I get it that, if you give your camera to someone and the other someone composed and took the photo, the person taking the photo owns the intellectual property, the photo. In this case, the other person happened to be a monkey, and after two years of court battles, there has been a settlement. It was an interesting program. PETA fighting for Naruto's rights, saying that he is highly intelligent, but I am not sure if he 'consciously' decided to take a photo or if he was just pushing someone else buttons. I also took away that this is just the start of establishing legal rights for animals. It was an interesting story, but it was made more interesting when I visited the PETA website and downloaded the photo for this journal entry.
Side Note: A witness to the whole thing swears that Naruto did not really take the photo, that the photo was actually taken by one of Naruto's fellow macaque's, a female. Which could be the beginning of a whole other story.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MONKEY-SELFIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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