I was honored to participate in an ABoR Foundation Forum this morning, the topic being 'When Disaster Strikes'. As part of the panel, my area of concern was about landlord/tenant relations after a disaster occurs. In Texas, we have disasters on occasion, and they seem to be happening with more frequency lately; tornadoes, wild fires, and hurricanes to name a few recent challenges. The panel also consisted of mortgage representatives, attorneys, title insurers, insurance agents and property appraisers. Our moderator was a real estate broker from Houston, and she was able to provide first hand information about before, during and after a disaster happens that affects housing. All across the United States this year, we have experienced hurricanes, tornadoes and devastating wild fires. We need to know how to react to these instances, and what we can do to prepare and what we need to do if we are affected.
It was a great Forum, and I think it kept the attention of the attendees. the room was full, and I was happy to serve my association in some small part.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DISASTERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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