I cannot believe this is the LAST day of November, but it is. Here is something else, and this is no secret to anyone that has ever been in one of my classes, or anyone that I have ever been IN a class with. I have acute testing anxiety. I think too hard about tests, and often do not really read the question, and frequently go with my second guess rather than my first response, when I know my initial instincts are usually correct. I was in two classes today, and I helped with writing the classes AND with writing the test questions, and I was totally freaked out when it came time for taking the two tests on the subject content. After we reviewed the tests, I am totally confident that I did not fail the tests, and that I will (once again) go forward, but it is interesting to me that I have this anxiety, on top of all my other anxieties. It makes me wonder about my childhood (which I generally consider a good one), but something had to have happened back then that caused me to have all these neuroses. What in the hell did someone say or do to me that caused this. Did a third grade teacher yell at me for something that is lodged way back in the far recesses of my little pea-brain that flares up just at the thought of multiple choice answers? I dunno, but I wish I could get over it. I have plenty of other anxieties that command a good deal of my time, and I just don't need this aggravation.
And this is a photo of me and Candy in the class, being excellent, studious and obedient attendees. Sat there the whole time and paid attention, did not cause any crap.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ANXIETY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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