Repeat after me; today is Friday, today is Friday, today is Friday. And as a rule, I like Friday's. Friday's are generally the start of the weekend, and this Friday was extra special because it was the middle of a nice, long weekend. I actually got seven and two-halves of the items on my To Done list crossed off. I got part of the bulbs planted and part of the watering done. I still need to finish those two items, cut grass, clean the chicken coop and take hay to the cattle. And I have two days to get those things accomplished. I don't think I will get everything done tomorrow, but I might. But I think the prudent thing to do is let it all stretch out over the next two days. I wouldn't want to pull a muscle or anything like that.
The flora still makes me wonder. We have not had a freeze yet, and the Iris and other blooming plants are doing their best NOT to pay attention to the calendar. These little Iris started blooming the other day, and they are just lovely. I raised the canopy on one of the trees in the front yard, trimmed back a lot of dead pieces of an antique rose bush, and (as I said in the above paragraph), planted some bulbs. I have another days worth of planting in store, and after that, I will be done with bulbs for this year. Unless I happen to stop at Home Depot and spot something I think I cannot live without.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHORES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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