For this year's Empty Bowl Project, I got a promotion; no longer the 'TRASH MAN', I have been upgraded to 'Sanitation Engineer'. I didn't get a raise, but I did get more responsibility. It was a great day, and there were people in line that have remembered me as TRASH MAN for several years, most of them liked it, but one of them in particular is not a fan. Oh well, it is what it is. It was a beautiful day in central Texas. When I got to the Project, it was 59 degrees, sunny and little wind. The line was probably a couple blocks long, and I got my trash bags and started working. Some people cannot comprehend the words 'no liquids', and there were very few real engineers in the crowd, but we did the best we could. Eventually I had the trash bag inside two other trash bags, but there were still leaks. It did get a little bit messy. I had lots of time though, to meet up and get back acquainted with my friend Kelly, who does the potting exhibitions during the Project. Kelly and I met when I first started taking pottery classes, many, MANY years ago. It was great getting to sit with her and laugh and laugh and LAUGH.
There were several people that I ran into from years ago as well; bike riders from the very start of my AIDS ride and fundraising days, and other friends that I have not seen in years.
A good time was had by all, and I think this years project is another success in feeding those in central Texas that are less fortunate than many of us.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TRASH, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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