It was a really early day today, and this morning seems like a really, REALLY long time ago. I attended a class in San Antonio today, and the class started at 8 a.m., which meant, taking traffic in the tenth and eleventh larges cities in the United States into consideration, I left Austin really early. I got there just at about the time I had planned, and everything turned out okay. Getting home was another story, but overall, it is still the same day, and I am happily ensconced on the Edge of Nowhere. All the chickens are doing well, all are accounted for and I even saw Barney on the driveway as I was reading meters.
Today's photo is of the sunrise in San Antonio as I was parking this morning for the class. Urban sunrise. Pretty.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLASSES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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