The brain is more active when you're sleeping than it is when you're watching TV. That validates everything I has said, that I watch television as a mindless distraction. Today is apparently mail carrier appreciation day, and I appreciate the fact that I have not received any mail for the last two days. Yesterday I can understand, not sure about today. Same thing with the newspaper, but I am a little bit more understanding about paper carriers driving around in the dark. I will withhold more critical comment until I see what happens tomorrow. I had three zoom meetings today, and afterward, I went in to Austin. The roads were not too bad, I calculate they were about 96% clear. The only semi-challenges were on the fly-overs...the tall spots, and they were just a little bit slushy. I don't think I saw even one wreck there or back, so that was encouraging. In between zooms, I did a load of laundry, and it is not even Sunday. Not sure what I will do to fill up my time on Sunday, but I expect I will think of something. The weekend is upon us, and I have nothing really planned. I have a few things on my chore list, but nothing that is absolutely needed to get completed. I may just take a long nap, that sounds good.
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