Bookkeeper and bookkeeping are the only words in the English language with three consecutive double letters. I took the plants outside this morning, gave them all some water, and brought them all back inside this afternoon. Walking this morning, the temperature was 67 degrees. I think it got up to the low 70s by about noon, and then a cold front came through. It is 44 degrees outside right now, and it is expected to go down to about 29 degrees overnight. For the walk tomorrow morning, the wind chill will be about 24. Did you get all that? I worked from home today, got a good bit of stuff done, a Tesla Ranger got here about 11 (an hour early), got the charge port fixed, did a software update, and all that is good stuff. The new housekeeper showed up right on tile as well. Lots of good stuff done. Did I mention I took the plants out and in in the same day? I will be heading in to the office tomorrow, and I have a couple appointments to go to. Then it is the weekend. I have a couple things planned for Saturday and Sunday, and it should all be calm and comfortable. There was a pretty nice sunset this evening (much better than I could have done), and it is just about time to call it a day.
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