Main was once known as the Earmuff Capital of the World, since earmuffs were invented there. If all goes according to plan, I will be able to put the plants back outside Tuesday afternoon. Three more days of below freezing temperatures, and then we should be in the clear for a while. I sat outside in the yard with the dogs a couple times this afternoon, lots of warming sunshine, it was all very nice. I had a couple bursts of energy during the day; I vacuumed the house (gasp), and I did another load of laundry. There were a couple naps, a couple trips to the mailbox, and just a nice day. I guess all is back on track as of now; I got three days worth of newspapers, and three days worth of mail. There was nothing of any real interest in either the newspapers OR the mail. Most of the mail got shredded, and what wasn't shredded got put in the folder of papers I am collecting for my 2021 income tax filing. I opened a can of soup for dinner tonight, and it seems the soup had a 'best by' date of sometime in 2016. It seems the more I think I have cleared out all the 'expired' stuff, I just find more. I enjoyed the soup, it tasted just fine, but in case of my untimely demise, ask the coroner to check the soup.
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