There are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada. Really a pretty day here in central Texas. It was 27 degrees when I walked with Jay and Dan, this was the first time I walked in about 10 days. I sat out in the yard with the girls a couple times, soaking up the sunshine. It was nice. Met for brunch early this morning, 10AM. On the way home, I got the exterior of the car washed ($13) at the quarter car wash. After that, it was pretty much downhill for productivity. I took a couple naps, blew leaves off the front patio and driveway, and a little bit of this and that, even though I cannot remember what the this and that might have been. I played my first game of Wordle this afternoon, but I did not win. My final word was CLOSE to the word of the day, but not the actual word. I think I can do this on a daily basis in the near term, Deb has filled me in on some strategies, so it is yet to be seen. I have not yet broken in to the mini-cupcakes I was gifted by Jimmie and Linda yesterday, but I am pretty sure they will not last too much longer. Two more nights of below freezing temperatures, and I will put the plants back outside on Tuesday afternoon.
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