Texas has (historically) experienced 98 degrees or higher during every month of the year. The record high temperature recorded in Texas during May through September are 116 degrees or higher. We don't have any forecast temperatures of 116 or more in the seven day forecast, but I have lived in central Texas when the temperature WAS 116 degrees. That's hot! This is hot, too, and I know you are tired of hearing about it. It is, however, nice and comfortable inside the house and the car and everywhere else I go lately. I did go to the UPS store this afternoon, and it was HOT in there! Good walk this morning, then on to the office. An average day, and tomorrow will a good day, too. I have a listing going active tomorrow, and Mike will be here from Florida. Friday, we will head to Las Cruces for 48 hours to visit with Nancy and Dan, then back home. Quick trips, in-and-out, nobody gets hurt!
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