The very first circuit breaker was devised in 1879 by Thomas Edison, when he came up with the idea of protecting circuit wiring used for lighting from the common problems of current overloads and short circuits. As you know (or maybe you don't) we had a power outage at the Curious House on Wednesday, and the solar system kicked in just as it was supposed to. The only problem was, there were seven circuit breakers that tripped, and I could only reset two of them. This does not count the GFCI (4) circuits throughout the house. This is not the first time these circuit breakers have failed, it is the third time. I have replaced WAY TOO MANY of these breakers, and I am a bit tired of it. It is a really expensive fix. I was able to finagle myself into getting an appointment from a kind electrician (he knows the circuit breaker history at this house), and everything is back in working order now. Although I am not an electrician, he noted that all the breakers that failed this time are on the B Phase in the breaker box, so that might be a start to figuring out why this continues to happen. It is a start. A good walk this morning, and visits from ADT, an HVAC vendor and the electrician. I had a zoom call at 11:30, and I did that in my car on the way to the office. I got some work done in the office, and got back home in time to take a little nap, before putting some backyard lawn furniture together in the dining room. I still have the table to put together, but there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow. Tomorrow is estate sale day, too. Stay tuned!
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