2. Go to brunch. Done.
3. Go to Goodwill. Done.
4. Go to Home Depot. Done.
5. Go for bike ride. Done.
6. Do another load of laundry. Done.
So, it might not sound like a lot, but it made the most of a beautiful Sunday in central Texas. In between those things, I did get some stuff straightened out in the garage, I did get at least one nap in, and I did buy a couple pots at Home Depot that I think are wrong and will have to return for others. I am pretty sure I did a few other things today as well, like breathing. I did a lot of breathing. And I did my Wordle today as well. In three. Although I am not on my longest streak, I have a pretty good streak going, and it makes me crazy if it takes me more than four. Currently, the girls are out in the back yard with pork chop bones, they are quieter than they have ever been, and the bones ought to keep them quiet for another twenty minutes or so. Not a lot on my calendar this week, and I am perfectly okay with that. I also put the plants back outside, got them watered, got some of them trimmed up, and got the front patio swept. I hope there will be no more freezing temps, but that is yet to be seen. None in the foreseeable future, anyway. Reuben, Mike, Candy, Alisha, and me.
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