What family does not have its' ups and downs? Whatever, it is Friday, and I know Friday is the favorite day of the week for many. I have become one of those. The older I get, the more I appreciate weekends. Today was about 30 degrees (maybe 25 degrees) cooler than yesterday, and it was a brisk walk we had this morning. This Redbud tree is really knocking itself out, so I thought I would share it with you, I have been watching it for a couple days, and it was worthy of being documented for all time. The Mountain Laurel in Jay and Deb's front yard is blooming, too, and I got a good smell of it yesterday. Mountain Laurel blossoms smell like grape bubble gum, and when I was going door walking for a city council candidate in 1986 or so, right after I moved here, I would take a good smell of every Mountain Laurel I passed. And for about the next three weeks, I could not breath. It was my initiation to allergies in central Texas. After our walk, I got in to the office early, and got a lot of stuff done, talked with a couple clients, and left the office about 2 o'clock so I could get my hair cut. I got home and took a nap, and then it was off to book club. Book club is experiencing some shrinkage, so we may be on a recruiting binge, not sure how that is going to work out right now. Estate sales tomorrow, and that is always fun, then I have a few chores to get accomplished. I think there will be a couple naps thrown in to the mix as well.
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