Okay, as the old saying goes, another day - another dollar. In this case it is another day - another calf. I got home from the office this afternoon and Jody and I got into the Mule and headed out to go check on yesterdays Cow and calf. As we were getting closer to the pasture, I told Jody that it looked like Mimi was in the far pasture with ANOTHER new calf, and sure enough she was. Moo Unit was doing wonderfully well (her retained placenta was gone, good job!) and her new calf (remember, just a day old) was doing wonderfully well also.

But there in the far pasture was Mimi with another new calf, just maybe an hour old, and still not properly cleaned up. Really, really shaky, but doing well. Mama was really nervous with us being as close as we were, and I did not want her to charge me, so we decided that discretion was the better part of valor, so we backed up and let her have some room with her calf. As we were leaving, she was paying less attention to us, and more attention to her calf, so I am comfortable. We got back to the house, and I took the binoculars out with me and went beyond the pool where I could spy on both Mamas and calves, and the newest one was still shaky but it looked like it was nursing (or at least trying to) and Mama Mimi was being patient with her. The country is a happy place to live.

On the way into the office this morning there was a little bit of traffic, but nothing really terrible. There was this instance of 'twinkly lights' which could possibly remind some of us of life back in the late '60's. Really, that was all such a long time ago, all it really reminds me of right now is more traffic congestion. There is really nothing recreational about it, just more time spent listening to my books on CD's.

Have you ever had one of those moments? Our 'Administrative Goddess' Karla had one of those moments today. She was getting one of her frozen lunch entrees out of the freezer today at lunch time and discovered a very stylish pair of children's sunglasses in the bag with the entree. She had sworn that she purchased the sunglasses but she had no idea what had happened to them. I do stuff like that all the time, but it usually has to do with putting the water measuring container for the coffee pot in the refrigerator, and putting the coffee in the cabinet. OR I will find the keys to the car in the refrigerator or something else stupid like that. It was really interesting to see (and mainly hear) Karla's reaction when she found the sunglasses in the freezer! Fun!
Tomorrow I go and drop my car off again at the dealership. I got a call today to tell me that the loaner car would not be the Volt, but a Chevy Cruze. That is okay with me, since both cars are 'built on the same platform', which to me means they share the same chassis. AND, since I complained about the gas usage with the last loaner, I was told I will not be responsible for refilling the car when I return it. GOOD DEAL! So, I will be stopping to put gas in the Volt tomorrow on the way, since the cheapest gas in the area is in Taylor (HEB and WalMart are right across the street from each other), so I always try to get gas there. On my current tank of gas, I have gone over 750 miles, and I am averaging OVER 100 MILES PER GALLON. I expect that by the time I get gas tomorrow, I will be averaging 102 miles per gallon, my best showing yet. That is really pretty cool to me.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ANOTHER CALF, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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