An ordinary day in the office, nothing to really write home about and really nothing to relay to you in this journal. Okay, we did have an office meeting and we did have pizza, so that was pretty good.

We lost our strawberries in the really cold weather last year, but we put in another couple little plants this spring. The nice thing about strawberries is they keep delivering strawberries all year long here. Every now and then there will be a nice ripe strawberry to pick and eat. Lovely. This one will be ready in a day or two. It is windy out here again, and very nice...the temperature as we sit out here on the porch is in the middle 70's but the breeze is making it feel a little bit cooler. The flag pole is bowing in the wind, but nothing like it did a week or so ago.

I stopped at Papa Murphy's on the way home for pizza, one of the stuffed pizzas, the first time we ever tried a stuffed pizza. I liked it very much, but Jody did not particularly care for it. It will easily make two more meals for us. What is with people that do not care for left-overs? I generally think the left-overs are better than the first go-round. I think the flavors have time to permeate the rest of the food, and it just tastes better. There is no account for some folks can dress me up, but you really can't take me out.
Jody and the dog have gotten into the habit of going for a ride in the afternoons, and today, they took off went on two rides. Well, actually, one ride turned into two rides, but that is another story. ANYWAY, when they got home, the dog refused to get out of the truck. He was still in the back seat when I got home, so I told him that if he did not get out of the truck by himself (he is a HEAVY dog) he might be jeopardizing his future go-for-a-ride-ability! Whatever...he did not get out of the truck and I had to lift him out, not the easiest thing in the world. We will see if Jody has the discipline to 'just say no' tomorrow.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STUFFED PIZZA, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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