Waiter, what is that mouse doing in my pool? The backstroke? Well, not really, it was more like the Australian crawl, and there is no telling how long he had been in there struggling for his life. I scooped him out, and he was totally exhausted. He rested in the flower beds for several hours, then he decided the better part of continuing to breathe would be to skeedaddle under the gazebo deck. Pretty much the same scenario when we rescued a skunk out of the pool (except I used a net and not a strainer, and there was no poking involved). We had a bit more organized day today, no emergency runs about anything (if you don't count Dairy Queen).
We got almost all the gazebo stained, some of the decking stained, and we will finish it up next week. I swear I stained the same piece of lattice for about five hours today. I know I was actually making progress, but it seemed like I was the lattice would never end. I was occasionally cursing the person that invented lattice, and at the same time I was amazed at the kind of slapped together construction of the gazebo and deck. That is what happens when you pay attention to the details of something while you are painting. I was somewhat concerned while we were actually painting, but the stain dried very nicely and very evenly, so my primary concerns were not necessary.

In the middle of everything, we did go to Georgetown for a spoiler, and it was a quick trip because I really just needed to sit down for a while. After we got back, I watered all the trees that can't be easily reached with hoses. The water tank and trailer are working out very nicely, but I think I want to get a longer piece of hose for that. I an connecting a couple pieces of PVC pipe into the hose to actually get the trees watered, but a longer piece of two inch hose will work much better. The chickens were not loosed until about 3 o'clock this afternoon, because I did not want them tracking redwood stain all across the pool deck. So far, the plan went well. We did get five eggs from the girls today, and they all seem to be pretty content. I am considering getting four more chicks, something exotic, but I am not sure what I will do. We shall see...

Got the cattle fed today, and took a fresh bale of hay out to them. WARNING - If you are offended by graphic descriptions of farm animals you should skip directly to the beginning of the next paragraph! You have been warned... I keep expecting new calves but so far it is all just in my imagination. BUT, at least two of the cows (Minnie and her daughter) have that obvious waxy residue on their teets (spell check says teets is not a word) and their bags are really getting big. I told you you should have gone to the next paragraph. Don't blame me! Anyway, that is supposed to be a sign that somebody is about to drop a calf. I will let you know. This is a picture of Orchid and her bull calf Cool Breeze.

That is just about it for today. There was lots of other stuff done, but mainly I am just achy. Jody said it is because I have used muscles I have not used for a while today, and I responded that I DO NOT HAVE ANY MUSCLES, but he said I was just being pishy (spell check says pishy is not a word, but I know for sure I can be pishy) , and go lay down. Whatever. The wildflowers are starting to bloom a bit more, and we are getting more Iris blooms, and I have always liked primrose. They are just about the prettiest and most delicate things you can imagine, and they take hold in the harshest of climates.
I hope you all have a nice week!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PRIMROSE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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